

Runtests Stable Stable

For my Master Thesis supervised by Claudio Verdun, Felix Krahmer and Elias Jarlebring I developped a software package for the randomized estimation of the diagonal of matrices and functions of matrices. The repository can be found here.


Build Status Build Status Coverage Stable

In the course of my Bachelor Thesis in the lab ob Antonio Scialdone I developed a Julia package that can be used for mulitvariate, interaction preserving discretization. The repository can be found here.

A Parallel Implementation of the Spectral Clustering Algorithm

I implemented a parallel version of the Spectral Clustering Algorithm in C using the Message Passing Interface (MPI). The code was tested both with dense and sparse graphs on Swedens largest supercomputer Dardel. I’d like to Niclas Jansson at KTH for allowing me to use these resources for this project! The code can be found here.

Other resources

I also have a number of other repositories that can be found on my github