About me

I am an ELLIS Doctoral student at the University of Tübingen and the Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence. I am grateful to be supervised by Matthias Hein, Lukas Schott and previously Jan Hendrik Metzen. My research focus is on domain shift under resource contraints. In particular, this includes topics such as knowledge distillation, training with synthetic data, coreset selection and efficient architectures. Before starting my PhD, I pursued a Double Degree between the Technical University of Munich and KTH Royal Institute of Technology from which I graduated in Mathematics and Engineering Physics. Additionally, I was a student research assistent working on the analysis of single-cell RNA sequencing data using tools from modern mathematics and deep learning in the lab of Antonio Scialdone at the Helmhotz Centre for Environment and Health in Munich. Prior to my Master studies, I completed my Bachelor degree with a major in Mathematics and a minor in Physics at the Technical University of Munich including an exchange term at the National University of Singapore.