The EstimateMoMDiagonal Function

EstimateMoMDiagonal combines the functionality of EstimateDiagonal with the median of means principle.

function EstimateMoMDiagonal(A::Matrix{Float64},Algorithm::Symbol, StoppingCriterion::Symbol, distribution::Symbol, ngroups::Int, groupsize::Int, normalizationParam::Bool=true, parallelizationParam::Bool=false ;maxqueries::Int,O=nothing)

Function that computes a randomized estimate of the diagonal of a matrix using the median of means principle


  • A: Matrix to estimate the diagonal of
  • Algorithm: Choose which diagonal estimator is used, options are
    • :GirardHutchinson
    • :DiagPP
    • :NysDiagPP
    • :XDiag
    • :XNysDiag
    • :GirardHutchinsonShift
    • :RSVD
    • :AdaptiveDiagPP
  • StoppingCriterion: How to terminate, possible options
    • queries: terminate when the maximum number of queries to A is reacher
      • maxqueries: maximum number of queries to A
    • Note potential further stopping criteria will be added in future versions
  • distribution: Select the distribution from which the random vectors are drawn, inbuilt options are
    • :Rademacher
    • :Gaussion
    • :custom, in this case provide a matrix with the test vectors as columns
      • O: matrix with the test vectors as columns
  • ngroups: Number of groups for the Median of Means estimator
  • groupsize: Groupsize for the Median of Means estimator