

RandomizedDiagonalEstimation.jl is a Julia package that implements randomized methods for the estimation of the diagonal of matrices and matrix functions. For pure matrix diagonal estimation the following algorithms are provided

  • Girard-Hutchinson Estimator [1]
  • Diag++ [2]
  • NysDiag++
  • XDiag [3]
  • Full Hutchinson Shifts

For the estimation of the diagonal of matrix function we combine the Girard-Hutchinson Estimator with the following approximations for $f(\textbf{A})\textbf{b}$

  • Chebyshev interpolants to approximate $f$ on the interval $[\lambda_{min},\lambda_{max}]$
  • Minimax polynomials from the Remez algorithm to approximate $f$ on the interval $[\lambda_{min},\lambda_{max}]$
  • Arnoldi approximations

The package exports three functions: EstimateDiagonal, EstimateFunctionDiagonal and EstimateMoMDiagonal. The last function incorporates the median of means package into diagonal estimation. A more detailed elaboration of the algorithms and theoretical properties can be found in this thesis: (will be updated once available on DIVA)

Citing RandomizedDiagonalEstimation.jl

If you use RandomizedDiagonalEstimation.jl for academic research and wish to cite it, please cite the following paper (will be updated).


[1] C. Bekas, E. Kokiopoulou, and Y. Saad. “An estimator for the diagonal of a matrix”. In: Applied Numerical Mathematics 57.11 (2007). Numerical Algorithms, Parallelism and Applications (2), pp. 1214–1229. issn: 0168-9274.
[2] R. A. Baston and Y. Nakatsukasa. “Stochastic diagonal estimation: probabilistic bounds and an improved algorithm”. In: ArXiv abs/2201.10684 (2022).
[3] E. N. Epperly, J. A. Tropp, and R. J. Webber. “XTrace: Making the most of every sample in stochastic trace estimation”. In: arXiv e-prints, arXiv:2301.07825 (Jan. 2023), arXiv:2301.07825. arXiv: 2301. 07825 [math.NA].